lt is so good of you
to let Roberto come to San Diego.
Gosh. l'm sorry. l guess you may not
have heard everything about this summer.
l'm beginning to get the picture.
- There's my parents.
- Which ones?
See the man in the beard?
Oh, God. They're talking to my mother.
They were relieved l wasn't Puerto Rican.
Amanda didn't explain that in all the many,
many letters that she wrote to her parents?
God, l hope they're not bigots or something.
- Did you wanna tell me about it?
- What?
What happened this summer.
At camp? Oh, camp was OK.
- l really missed you. l'm glad you're back.
- Yeah, me too.
- l'm sorry about Thanksgiving.
- We'll talk to your father about it.
- lt's OK with you?
- Didn't say that.
- But your mind's open?
- Roberto.
Remain calm.
Let me ask you something.
How open is your mind?
- ls this gonna be about my hair?
- No. This is something pretty big.
- About me?
- Only partly. lt involves you.
Are you and Dad splitting?
- Why do you say that?
- ls that it?
No. Absolutely no.
Why would you say a thing like that?
Do we look like people
who are about to split?
l don't know. People do it all the time
and they look like they're fine.