- And mine.
- And yours, too, l guess.
Although she is gonna be
the one most involved.
Believe me, it affects us both a lot. Why don't
we concentrate on what we're doing here?
- What are you gonna do up here?
- l'm gonna take a left.
lt's kinda busy here, isn't it?
- Dad, l've gotta learn how to do it.
- No, no, you're right.
- Left-turn signal, left-turn signal.
- lt's on.
(Mack) OK. This is good right here.
Think of it this way. lf you only had
one life to live... which you do,...
..and you really wanted to do something
and Mom said ''No, you can't do that'',...
- ..how would that make you feel?
- Let's not talk. Let's think about this turn.
- Right.
- What are you watching for?
- The light.
- And? What's the most important thing?
- Don't hit a person.
- No, l mean here.
- Come on, don't fuck around. This is no joke.
- Sorry.
The most important thing is that...
is that those cars have really stopped.
Right. Because?
Because some idiot is always
liable to run a red light.
- Good. What else are you lookin' for?
- Those cars in the cross streets.
Ready? The light's gonna change here.
This is good.
Not yet.
- OK, they're stopping.
- (car horn)
- Go ahead.
- (car horn)