- Don't hit a person.
- No, l mean here.
- Come on, don't fuck around. This is no joke.
- Sorry.
The most important thing is that...
is that those cars have really stopped.
Right. Because?
Because some idiot is always
liable to run a red light.
- Good. What else are you lookin' for?
- Those cars in the cross streets.
Ready? The light's gonna change here.
This is good.
Not yet.
- OK, they're stopping.
- (car horn)
- Go ahead.
- (car horn)
- You idiot!
- Fuck you!
(Mack) Whoa!
OK, this guy's letting us in. Go, go, go!
OK, when l tell you, you're gonna be able
to get over. We'll pull over up here.
OK, you can go now.
Just pull in right here.
That guy was a cretin.
The thing is, it's so crazy out there,
you gotta react really fast.
lf you're going, you've got a split second,
otherwise the cross traffic'll whack you.
- l'm sorry, Dad.
- Hey, this is difficult stuff.
Making a left turn in LA is one of
the harder things you're gonna learn in life.