It's not by choice, I can tell you.
Because these guys follow me everywhere.
I feel like Joseph Cotton in The Third Man.
DAVID: They must have better things to do.
Following you?
Did they follow you here?
DAVID: Might have.
They might be right outside your window.
Or in the neighbor's toilet listening to us.
You're smoking two cigarettes, Felicia.
You better go, honey.
FELICIA: And stay away from the theater.
Abe doesn't need problems.
They really got you, don't they?
FELICIA: Wait. You must need money.
You always did.
FELICIA: I better not write you a check.
Take this.
DAVID: I don't want it.
Why not do what they want?
FELICIA: I'm surprised at you.
Don't be.
Maybe they asked in the wrong way,
or maybe I don't like to be pushed.
Or maybe I'll just give them what they want.
I'm sure tired of this shit.
AGENT: Mr. Saltman, please.
I don't rent my equipment to amateurs.
Well, gentlemen, what can I do for the FBI?
AGENT: Just a routine inquiry.
Does a David Merrill work here?
SALTMAN: He's in the back
working on equipment.
He fixes stuff. He's a good fixer.
AGENT: How long has he worked here?
SALTMAN: A few weeks.
He doesn't say much. Works hard.
What's wrong?
SALTMAN: Did he commit a crime?
AGENT: Just a routine inquiry.