DAVID: I don't want it.
Why not do what they want?
FELICIA: I'm surprised at you.
Don't be.
Maybe they asked in the wrong way,
or maybe I don't like to be pushed.
Or maybe I'll just give them what they want.
I'm sure tired of this shit.
AGENT: Mr. Saltman, please.
I don't rent my equipment to amateurs.
Well, gentlemen, what can I do for the FBI?
AGENT: Just a routine inquiry.
Does a David Merrill work here?
SALTMAN: He's in the back
working on equipment.
He fixes stuff. He's a good fixer.
AGENT: How long has he worked here?
SALTMAN: A few weeks.
He doesn't say much. Works hard.
What's wrong?
SALTMAN: Did he commit a crime?
AGENT: Just a routine inquiry.
If and when he leaves this job,
please let us know.
Just ask me if you want to know. Ask me.
DAVID: I'm right here. Ask me.
AGENT: Thank you, Mr. Saltman.
You want to know something,
ask me, not him.
AGENT: Don't get upset.
Upset? Why should I be upset?
You've only ruined my life.
I'm right here.
You have something to ask, ask me.
I'm warning you, I'm a federal officer.
Sam, let's go.
Sam? You're warning me? Go ahead, Sam.
DAVID: Warn me. How old are you, Sam?
Warn me.
Tell them I'm not going anywhere!
DAVID: I'm not going anywhere! Right here.
SALTMAN: They just wanted to know if--
DAVID: Now they know. I'm here.
DAVID: They're after me, not you.
They make me nervous, David.