
You have an obligation to
clarify this Pan problem.

This disaster.
-Which must be remedied.

I want my children.
The stakes can be no higher.

For me, sir, they could have
sunk no lower. And I want my war!

Blow him out
of the water!

Daddy's handling this. It's okay.
Pick up your weapon.
How much?
Hoist and raise the kiddies!
I'll make you a deal,
Mr. Chairman. Fly up there...

...and touch the fingers of your
children, and I'll set them free.

I can't fly.
Explode out of there! Stop
this charade! Free your children!

I beg your pardon?
You must be joking.
Peter Pan has a
real problem with heights.

I'm not Peter Pan.
It's okay. Hang on, son.
I'm coming, sweetheart.

-Somebody give me a hand.
-I already have.

Save us, Daddy!
"Save me, Daddy!"
We know who you are!
What new game is this, Peter? Fly!

Stop pretending!
Fly! I know it's you!
Be the Pan you are. Fly!
Fly! Think a happy thought.
Just touch our fingers
and we'll be able to go home.
