I beg your pardon?
You must be joking.
Peter Pan has a
real problem with heights.
I'm not Peter Pan.
It's okay. Hang on, son.
I'm coming, sweetheart.
-Somebody give me a hand.
-I already have.
Save us, Daddy!
"Save me, Daddy!"
We know who you are!
What new game is this, Peter? Fly!
Stop pretending!
Fly! I know it's you!
Be the Pan you are. Fly!
Fly! Think a happy thought.
Just touch our fingers
and we'll be able to go home.
Touch them, Peter, and
it's all been just a bad dream!
Just reach out and touch them!
Flap your arm and fly!
Come on, Daddy.
Mommy could do it.
I don't understand. Why doesn't
he fly? He's a fop Peter Pan!
He's Peter Pan, all right, captain.
He's been away from Never Land so
long, his mind's been gentrified.
He's forgotten everything.
Please don't give up.
I want to go home.