An old one, O.K., abandoned, O. K...
but there was my face there
and I liked it.
You had to wipe me out.
It's not you I wiped out.
What's the word for it?
You replaced me, yes.
You put some buttocks
in place of my face.
Give me some coffee.
I couldn't do it differently.
I can't go on with the work
if I keep recollections, regrets...
I just had to do it.
And believe it or not,
it wasn't easy for me.
I can imagine.
You must've had a dreadful night.
from all points of view.
You think I'm justjealous.
You expect I'll burst out.
I won't.
But ten years ago, when you started
the work you've just botched up.
We didn't go out of the studio
for a week...
we slept on the little mattress...
there was no day, no night...