Get past.
Come on. get past. get past.
Hurry! Get his shoes!
-Hey! What the--
-Get his shoes.
He's kicking. Choke him.
HeIp! HeIp! HeIp!
You no-good scumbags!
You stay away from here!
Those dirty bastards!
Thank you.
I didn't do that for you.
Those pigs invaded my territory.
I'm very territoriaI.
Yeah. I noticed that.
Gee. they would have kiIIed me
just for my shoes.
They're animaIs!
They tried that on me
when I first came down here.
They jumped me.
Ha! Big mistake.
Nobody messes with MoIIy.
I grabbed that big guy.
Mean Victor. by the apricots...
and I twisted. and I twisted.
and I twisted.
-Know what I mean?
-I do. I know what you mean.
Good. This is my pIace.
I Live aIone.
-You still here?
-I don't have any shoes.