Life Stinks

I'm very territoriaI.
Yeah. I noticed that.
Gee. they would have kiIIed me
just for my shoes.

They're animaIs!
They tried that on me
when I first came down here.

They jumped me.
Ha! Big mistake.
Nobody messes with MoIIy.
I grabbed that big guy.
Mean Victor. by the apricots...

and I twisted. and I twisted.
and I twisted.

-Know what I mean?
-I do. I know what you mean.

Good. This is my pIace.
I Live aIone.
-You still here?
-I don't have any shoes.

Who are you? What are you doin'
down here anyway?

It's compIicated.
Don't teII me.
I don't want to know.

-What are you. about a 9 1 /2 D?
-Yes. exactIy.

Yes! I'm never wrong.
Come here. Come here.

Stop Looking over my shoulder.
Sit down!

Not--are you stupid?
That's the bedroom.

Sit in the den.
The den.
Excuse me.
Just where would the den be?

You're in it. Sit.
Tens. CIose enough.
Here we go.

Oh. nothing. nothing.
They're fine. They're just fine.
