God damn it!
Thank God!
Wait a minute.
Don't pour! Wait till
they're right under us.
ALL right. I admit it.
I have a very weak case.
You'll be happy to know
I'm dropping the charges.
Oh. shit!
I'm out of bounds.
-What's that noise?
-I don't know.
It stopped.
What's he doing?
He's coming back again?
He's the bravest man
I've ever seen.
I'm not mad. I just want
to put my foot up here.
Yeah. that's good. That's good.
Pepto. get out of the way!
Oh. it's hot!
They won't come around here
I hope so.
they realIy did a job on you.
Man. you throw a mean face.
Well. according to this.
his ankIe aIarm went off...
at 3:35 for 28 1 /2 seconds.
Well. Let's just say 3O seconds.
Then we'd win.
But his Iawyers get a copy
of the same readout. sir.