What's he doing?
He's coming back again?
He's the bravest man
I've ever seen.
I'm not mad. I just want
to put my foot up here.
Yeah. that's good. That's good.
Pepto. get out of the way!
Oh. it's hot!
They won't come around here
I hope so.
they realIy did a job on you.
Man. you throw a mean face.
Well. according to this.
his ankIe aIarm went off...
at 3:35 for 28 1 /2 seconds.
Well. Let's just say 3O seconds.
Then we'd win.
But his Iawyers get a copy
of the same readout. sir.
Does anybody know why he stepped
out of bounds...
for 28 1 /2 seconds?
Well. our surveiIIance teII us
that he was attacked...
by some vicious
dereIicts. sir...
and. I might add.
was severeIy beaten.
-He aImost. uh--
-He aImost what?
My God! Died?
I don't want to be responsibIe
for his death.
You think there's any chance
that could happen?
Well. it is possibIe.
He is Living in the streets.
and there's so much danger...
down there. you never know
what could happen.
We'll keep you posted.
Mr. CrassWell.
Yes. thank you.
I never thought
he could actuaIIy die.
That would be so tragic.