Little Man Tate

Look at this place. It's beautiful.
Oh, come on, Gina. I ain't danced since
I was 19. And even then, I wasn't so hot.

And there is the matter
of my big, fat ass too.

Please, we're talkin' Orlando, honey.
Not Vegas.

Down there, if you can tap your feet,
you're Madonna.

I say we go down there for the summer
and make a vacation out of it.

Hey, you two wanna blab,
go work for the phone company.

Why don't you take a pill, ape-shape?
We're tryin' to talk here.

Well, the place does look really nice.
Fred does like to swim.
Contrary to what
you're saying, Ms Montoya...

...welfare is in fact bad for minorities.
As a social worker, every day you must
see people who have simply given up.

And who's to blame them?
I mean, with people like yourself fighting
for bigger and bigger hand-outs...

...there's no incentive...
- Dede?
- Mm.

Wake up.
What? What's wrong, kid, huh?
You sick?
You feel OK to me.
This is for you.
Looks like somebody already opened it,

It's from the Grierson School.
They wanna meet us.

Yeah, yeah. I can read, Fred.
Do me a favour. I had a bad night.
Go get your mother a Coke, OK?

Come on, I'd do it for you.
This jerk, he's got all his stuff
separated into whites, off-whites...
