- This is how I choose to express myself.
- I did that.
So what do you have to tell them?
Don't let them take me!
# We shall overcome!
# We shall overcome
I understand. She has told me that
this is artistic freedom, this is her show.
It's gone on in several countries
in major cities across the world,
and if Canada, you know,
if you choose to do that...
- I'm sure it'll be an international scandal.
- I need to explain over here.
God! Everything's gonna have
a whole new meaning in the show.
Like when I say "God" and everything,
I'll be praying that I don't get arrested.
- uh-huh.
- Where else am I nasty?
- Everywhere.
- Oh.
We're gonna realise
how many places we do things.
Say "Hello, Toronto. Do you believe in
freedom? I got something to say about it."
- Chris, don't let them take me.
- We won't.
# Celebration
- # Come together in every nation
- That's right!
# Holiday
# Celebration
# Come together in every nation
- I'll get arrested for that.
- The consequences are
they may detain her after the show
and charge her with indecency.
Last time I was on tour Sean was in jail.
I guess it's my turn.
She'll do it, but she won't do it, like...
I'll bet she does it more.
- How much do you wanna bet?
- Let me find something small.
- I'll trust you.
- Nah, nah.
(crowd cheering)
(# Asian-style music)