# Celebration
- # Come together in every nation
- That's right!
# Holiday
# Celebration
# Come together in every nation
- I'll get arrested for that.
- The consequences are
they may detain her after the show
and charge her with indecency.
Last time I was on tour Sean was in jail.
I guess it's my turn.
She'll do it, but she won't do it, like...
I'll bet she does it more.
- How much do you wanna bet?
- Let me find something small.
- I'll trust you.
- Nah, nah.
(crowd cheering)
(# Asian-style music)
- # I've made it through the wilderness
- (cheering)
# Somehow I made it through
# Didn't know how lost I was
# until I found you
# I was beat
# lncomplete
# I'd been had
# I was sad and blue
# But you made me feel
# Yeah, you made me feel
# Shiny and new
# Like a virgin