You stopped in the middle of the road,
this woman ran into me...
- lf you hadn't just stopped...
- What's going on here?
- My truck stalled.
- No, your truck stopped in the road!
- And you tailgated...
- Keep your voice down!
Your license.
- Does anybody need a ride?
- I'm not finished.
Is it against the law
for my truck to stall?
- It is to stop in the middle of the road.
- Lf you're barreling...
- What is he talking about?
- Step back.
Told him I'm not afraid.
- What's he saying?
- He's saying everything is fine.
- Get that black guy's name for insurance.
- I told you, drive slowly.
Didn't I tell you to drive slowly?
What will Anil say?
I'm really sorry.
I think I need your name
and address for the insurance.
- You all right?
- Yeah. Here's mine.
- Thanks.
- All right.
I'm telling you, it's not my fault.
I ain't finished with you yet,
young lady.
"Honorable Sirs: This is in reference
to my lawsuit, number 2089...
...filed in the high court at Kampala,
dated 30 December 1985...
...for restoration of my property.
I was born in Uganda
and Uganda has been my home...
...a country to which I had the
utmost loyalty and love...
...until I was forcibly...
...and illegally expelled...
...by General Idi Amin."
Suing the mad government
of a mad country.
It's going to drive you mad.
For five years they haven't replied.
- But you carry on like a stuck record.
- Kinnu, it's a new regime.
I know it's a new regime.