- Thanks.
- All right.
I'm telling you, it's not my fault.
I ain't finished with you yet,
young lady.
"Honorable Sirs: This is in reference
to my lawsuit, number 2089...
...filed in the high court at Kampala,
dated 30 December 1985...
...for restoration of my property.
I was born in Uganda
and Uganda has been my home...
...a country to which I had the
utmost loyalty and love...
...until I was forcibly...
...and illegally expelled...
...by General Idi Amin."
Suing the mad government
of a mad country.
It's going to drive you mad.
For five years they haven't replied.
- But you carry on like a stuck record.
- Kinnu, it's a new regime.
I know it's a new regime.
So what? Every year it's new.
- But nothing...
- Kinnu, Mina had an accident.
- What happened, beta?
- What did you do to my car?
- What did you do to my car, Mina?
- Was anyone hurt?
No one was hurt.
- How did it happen?
- Thank God nobody was hurt.
What's happened has happened.
No use crying over spilt milk.
Who is going to pay for this?
Does money grow on trees over here?
Maybe in your fertile Uganda
it used to grow on trees, but not here.
Can't feed his own family
and lecturing about spilt milk.
My father can feed us just fine,
you wanker.
- What did you say?
- Shut your mouth.
Why should I shut my mouth?
Hey, my man, I need my money.
Forty bucks.
Y'all gonna need this
for the insurance.