Do you know what your friend's done?
He's just sued Anil for $50,000.
Pack your things.
We're leaving Mississippi.
Going back to Uganda?
What is it going to solve?
It will get Mina away
from this fellow.
Number two, we are not wanted here.
And number three,
next week is my court hearing.
What court hearing?
I'm going to fight it, Kinnu.
I'm going to win it.
I'm going to get our property back.
Kinnu, we can start a new life.
How can you even think of it, Jay?
How can you even think
of going back to Uganda?
We are getting old.
I don't want to die
in some stranger's country.
- I'm ashamed of you and your behavior.
- How come you always take their side?
What about me?
I've worked hard to buy this motel.
- And I'm not running a charity!
- Anil, you have become American.
So what? I live here in America.
If you don't like it, go back to India.
Please, forgive us for all this.