We are getting old.
I don't want to die
in some stranger's country.
- I'm ashamed of you and your behavior.
- How come you always take their side?
What about me?
I've worked hard to buy this motel.
- And I'm not running a charity!
- Anil, you have become American.
So what? I live here in America.
If you don't like it, go back to India.
Please, forgive us for all this.
And please, even now if you'll
change your mind about going...
I forgot my shoes in the other room.
I feel so bad.
How many times must I tell you?
I was thinking of going anyway.
This was just what we needed.
Sir, do you know
where I can find Demetrius?
Young lady, you've caused
enough trouble in my son's life.