Figlio mio,
put down the knife.
You'll have your
chance one day.
That was one boss.
Don Faranzano.
Some things change
your life forever.
Yeah, I know.
I know. Loyalty.
My father sweated
blood for him.
The guy with me here is Frankie
Costello. Loyalty, Frankie, yeah?
He and Joey DeCarlo were my
two best friends. ThatJoey?
But on these streets
friends were hard to keep.
Don Masseria!
Don Masseria!
Lo bisogno, per favore.
Chi e chieste?
Look at this.
Lo bisogno aiuto,
per favore.
Chi e chieste?
No, don't!
Sono sangue.
Terrible what these
niggers are doin'.
They come down from Harlem,
kill my own nephew.
Right in front
of my face.
My son!
Oh, no, my God!
Oh, my son!
Oh, Joey!
Oh, Joey!
Oh, my God! Oh, Joey!
That was the other boss.