Lo bisogno, per favore.
Chi e chieste?
Look at this.
Lo bisogno aiuto,
per favore.
Chi e chieste?
No, don't!
Sono sangue.
Terrible what these
niggers are doin'.
They come down from Harlem,
kill my own nephew.
Right in front
of my face.
My son!
Oh, no, my God!
Oh, my son!
Oh, Joey!
Oh, Joey!
Oh, my God! Oh, Joey!
That was the other boss.
Don Masseria.
Some way, some time,
no matter how
long it took,
I knew what
I had to do...
to both bosses.
He kills his own blood,
you know?
I mean his own nephew.
What kind of man is that, huh?
And on top of that,
he pays some in'ish to do it.
Uh! Ah!
The law of the street was:
Take or be taken.
Everybody fought everybody.
in'ish, Italians, Germans, Jews.
But this was different. This was
that in'ishman who killed Joey.
Beatin'up on some skinny
Jewish kid, Meyer Lansky.
And theJewish kid
wouldn't stay down.
Meyer wouldn't give
no matter how bad he got it.
You had to respect that.
Meyer's big pal was Benny
Siegel. Leave him alone!
Benny loved a good fight.
Even a bad fight, but they
wouldn't let him in on this one.
What is it? You in love
with the littleJew boy? No.