Even if
it ain't true.
Oh, God.
I'm gonna get sick
from this goddamn wine.
Why don't we get some Corvo
or something like that?
Excuse me,
Mr. Siegel.
Have you met my daughter,
Rachel? No, I haven't.
She was voted the
prettiest girl in school.
Very pretty. She's
not a bad cook, either.
that's important.
They got those things
called "kreplach."
That's like ravioli.
And they got this thing...
called a "blintz."
It's like manicotti.
I love manicotti.
Yeah, right here.
Then they got that.
That's matzo balls.
It's like a big hunk
of soggy bread.
Oh, God, that looks like brains. Yes.
Oh, no, I don't want that.
How's family business?
It's up 35 percent
since I came on.
Ahh, that's good.
See if you can get
someone to get me...
some of that, uh,
ravioli crap. I got some.
Prohibition... ain't
gonna last forever. Yes.
We're gonna go with booze
and smokes best we can.
I got this... crazy idea.
- The big plan is this.
- We're gonna take the unions.
- The unions.
- Garment workers.
- The longshoremen.
- Not just New York unions.