
Very pretty. She's
not a bad cook, either.

that's important.

They got those things
called "kreplach."

That's like ravioli.
And they got this thing...

called a "blintz."
It's like manicotti.

I love manicotti.
Yeah, right here.

Then they got that.
That's matzo balls.

It's like a big hunk
of soggy bread.

Oh, God, that looks like brains. Yes.
Oh, no, I don't want that.

How's family business?
It's up 35 percent
since I came on.

Ahh, that's good.
See if you can get
someone to get me...

some of that, uh,
ravioli crap. I got some.

Prohibition... ain't
gonna last forever. Yes.

We're gonna go with booze
and smokes best we can.

I got this... crazy idea.
- The big plan is this.
- We're gonna take the unions.

- The unions.
- Garment workers.

- The longshoremen.
- Not just New York unions.

- Chicago.
- The whole fucking country.

- The West Coast.
- What are you gonna do about...

Don Masseria?
He's an old man.

- Masseria?
- What are you worried about?

- I just wanna run things.
- I'm not worried.

- A little more control.
- You gotta watch your back.

Masseria? What should we do about him?
I think it's very tricky. Yeah?
You should consider
many things with him.

You have something in
mind, I hope? Yes, we do.

behind it.

Then Rothstein
must die.

Cash, money, unions.
I see what you're doing.

If I see,
Masseria sees.

Everybody dies,

I know.
This thing'll blow up
in your face.
