Cooking Yankee bean soup! $20 fine!
Yes, sir.
Got to find a hose!
No, it's another $10 for the cigarette.
$10 plus $20.
It's $30 altogether.
What is all the racket in here?
I have a job. A very important job.
I've been paid already.
It's a very important job!
Cool out, son.
The trespasser crosses across the grass...
...and little machine guns
come out of the Dalmatian statues.
And they hone in
on the intruder with radar.
That's ingenious.
Are you getting a raise?
Of course, as soon as I finish the blueprint.
It's just that I hardly ever get asked
to do anything too important.
Well, there's a first time for everything,
I guess.
No, I mean, I feel terrible because
I got to go back in there and bus tables.
Thank God.
According to the gun laws,
we can use real bullets.
Thank God!
Thank God is right.
I'd really like to help out and all, but...
Well, say no more.
I mean, basically, we're all alone
in this world anyway, you know?