When I come home I wanta home-cooked meal, not this frozen crap!
I want it on the table!
Well, how about, in your lap, buster?
- Okay, now you eat it!- Go to hell.
- I'm in hell already.- Well, that's my life, pig.
I tried calling you all afternoon.Where were you?
Do you want to watch?
You were with him again. Admit it!
I was with our son.We have a son, you know.
The little jerk.I should have strangled him in the cradle.
Very nice!
You know by the way, I'm pregnant again.
Just kidding.
Pick this food up now!
Come on, you whore. Now!
I'd like these changed into bills, please.
I have to count them.
Just because you wentand put them in rolls...
...doesn't mean that I don'thave to recount them.
All right, then, recount them.
That could take hours.
Then it'll take hours.