We don't exactly know anything.
No, but we suspect
it's a domestic problem.
- My God, what are you doing?
- You weren't supposed to see this.
Well, now that I'm seeing it, what is it?
I'm shooting up your bug powder.
You might like to try it yourself.
Or you might not.
I ran out in the middle of a job.
You gotta stop using the stuff,Joan.
They ration it out like snakebite serum.
Well,just do what everybody else does -
cut it with baby laxative.
The roaches will
shit themselves to death.
It's the best job I ever had.
If I run out again, I'm finished.
It's, um -
It's a very literary high.
Very literary.
Is that why Hank and Martin
know all about it?
No, we just, uh -
We all just tried it together-
spur of the moment thing.
They didn't like it, I did.
What do you mean,
it's a literary high?
It's a Kafka high.
You feel like a bug.
Try some.
Well, I don't know.