You gotta stop using the stuff,Joan.
They ration it out like snakebite serum.
Well,just do what everybody else does -
cut it with baby laxative.
The roaches will
shit themselves to death.
It's the best job I ever had.
If I run out again, I'm finished.
It's, um -
It's a very literary high.
Very literary.
Is that why Hank and Martin
know all about it?
No, we just, uh -
We all just tried it together-
spur of the moment thing.
They didn't like it, I did.
What do you mean,
it's a literary high?
It's a Kafka high.
You feel like a bug.
Try some.
Well, I don't know.
I don't know.
- I think our metabolisms are very different.
- Whose?
Yours and Kafka's?
I thought you were finished
with doing weird stuff.
I thought I was, too,
but I guess I'm not.
I prefer a pyrethrum job to a fluoride.
With the pyrethrum...
you kill the roaches right there
in front of God and the client...
whereas this starch and fluoride-
leave it around,
the roaches eat it...
come back a few days later,
they're running around fat as hogs.
And there it is, Bill.
You want to put on some weight...
you gotta switch
from that yellow powder diet of yours...
to some of this good
fluoride stuff right here.
Sure works for the Chink.
He's healthy enough.