Subtitles by Phaeton
You are about to witnessthe strength of street knowledge.
Yo, this is Queen Latifah
Bringing a song to youAbout a place you might live
In case you don't understandIt's called New Jack City
In case you still don't understand
I brought along Levert and TroopTo kick the ballistics
Unemployment is up,says the Department of Labor...
... with nearly 200,000 more claimsfor unemployment last month.
Americans whose income is below thepoverty line has risen to 2 million...
... compared to 1.6 million in 1979.
Economists say that theeconomic inequality...
... is at its worst level sincethe days of the Great Depression.
Over the last 3 years, the percentage ofafter-tax income for the rich rose 3%...
... while after-tax incomefor the poor fell.2%.
Homelessness is at an all-time high.
A drive-by shooting in Harlem resultedin the death of a 7-year-old boy.
Police say the shootingwas drug-related.
Said a police source,"The kid just got in the way."
The bodies of 3 young black menwere discovered in Marcus Garvey Park.
Police believe they were victimsof a drug deal gone bad.
The identity of the victimshas been withheld.
Firemen were summoned to extract a manfrom a ventilator duct of a building.
The man became trapped when he enteredthe duct in order to rob the premises.
The deficit now standsat an astounding $ 221 billion.
A reputed crime lord and 10 of hishenchmen were gunned down today.
Witnesses said the gunmenrode past Mr. Armeteo...
... and sprayed the group with gunfire.
The shooting was the resultof an ongoing turf war.