I don't believe this.
Yeah, well,
antibiotics willstop it.
But those red marks
mean serious infection, don't they?
How can a baby's fii ngernail
do so much damage?
Who knows? I had a client who got
athlete's foot in the Caribbean.
She almost lost her leg.
-Yeah, Lou, but this...
-Karen, I'm a doctor.
I've seen every conceivable type
ofinfection, believe me.
On a scale ofone to ten,
this is a big two.
The good news is,
you gotyour baby!
-No more testing. Isn't that a relief?
-Just my annual PAP smear.
-That's right.
I just don't get it.
Gene and I have been tested.
We're both okay. I should've
been pregnant a dozen times by now.
Karen, that happens to lots ofcouples.
Three times a day.
-WhatmadeyouandGene decide
on thename "Delia"?
-It's a pretty name, isn't it?
It means "always visible" in Greek.
Besides, IhadanAuntDelia...
who was the fiirst woman
in ourhometown torun foroffiice.
Thought it might be
a good-luck name as well.
-Oh, yeah? Grooming her for offiice?
-It's a family tradition.