She almost lost her leg.
-Yeah, Lou, but this...
-Karen, I'm a doctor.
I've seen every conceivable type
ofinfection, believe me.
On a scale ofone to ten,
this is a big two.
The good news is,
you gotyour baby!
-No more testing. Isn't that a relief?
-Just my annual PAP smear.
-That's right.
I just don't get it.
Gene and I have been tested.
We're both okay. I should've
been pregnant a dozen times by now.
Karen, that happens to lots ofcouples.
Three times a day.
-WhatmadeyouandGene decide
on thename "Delia"?
-It's a pretty name, isn't it?
It means "always visible" in Greek.
Besides, IhadanAuntDelia...
who was the fiirst woman
in ourhometown torun foroffiice.
Thought it might be
a good-luck name as well.
-Oh, yeah? Grooming her for offiice?
-It's a family tradition.
Nowsanctify this water...
that Your servants who are washed in it
may become one...
with Christ's death
tobe cleansed
Anoint them with Your HolySpirit, that
theymaybeborn again in Your church,
that theymaybecomeinheritors
ofYourglorious kingdom.
Delia, Ibaptizeyou...
in thename ofthe Father, theSon,
andthe HolySpirit.
Give hertome.
Theysay thata child thatcries
is closerto God.