They form an alliance
with the Antichrist.
So, it's about politics?
There's nothing that isn't politics,
Mrs. York.
We're ushering in the Antichrist
to a world ofoverpopulation,
pollution, crime.
Our hell is his paradise.
We brought this on ourselves?
We helped usher him in?
This is crazy.
fiigurativelyhere, right?
Whatever makes you comfortable.
But, yes, we are ushering him in.
That part ofus that is the worst ofus,
is what gives him his power.
You're saying we're all
in league with the devil?
Most ofus unknowingly, ofcourse,
but there are others.
What doyou mean?
What others?
Leaders who plunder the treasuries
oftheir poor countries,
trashing their own people, driving them
into famine, hopelessness, disease.
Men whopave overforests
thatprovide the veryair we breathe.
These are the true apostates,
the ones laying out...
the red carpet for the Antichrist.
You do believe
the Antichrist will come?
Yes, I do.
" Uttering haughty
and blasphemous words,
and allowed to exercise authority
for 42 months".
That's all it'll take?
A politician can do
a lot ofharm in 42 months.
This man will be a terrible,
charismatic liar.
Millions are gonnabelieve
in his one world, onereligion.
Doyou think
he can be stopped?
I'd pack it in ifl didn't.
We all do what we can, right?
Yes, Father.
Yes, we all do what we can.