Men whopave overforests
thatprovide the veryair we breathe.
These are the true apostates,
the ones laying out...
the red carpet for the Antichrist.
You do believe
the Antichrist will come?
Yes, I do.
" Uttering haughty
and blasphemous words,
and allowed to exercise authority
for 42 months".
That's all it'll take?
A politician can do
a lot ofharm in 42 months.
This man will be a terrible,
charismatic liar.
Millions are gonnabelieve
in his one world, onereligion.
Doyou think
he can be stopped?
I'd pack it in ifl didn't.
We all do what we can, right?
Yes, Father.
Yes, we all do what we can.
Hi, honey.
Is your mother home?
She's across the street.
Let me leaveyou something
foryour mother to read.
Ladies, excuse me. I live
in this house. What happened?
I only said hello.
We handed her a pamphlet.
-You didn't scare her?
-With a smile?
That little girl, the things she said!
I've never heard language like that!
She tore up the pamphlet,
and then threatened us with your dog.