As I thought, the king of fruit is...
the king of fruit is...
...the banana!
The year I passed out at the Roman Bath and ate pineapple for the
first time,
was the same year that the "group sound" became a fad, starting with
the Beatles' visit to Japan.
Soon after that, the electric guitar boom would come.
My sister Nanako 'ne-san was a freshman at an art college, and was
always the first to try out all the new fads.
Yeah, ``Michelle,'' isn't it? Another cool Beatles song, huh?
She tried the mini-skirt when it first came out, and like everyone
else, she hid her behind with a bag whenever going upstairs.
My other sister, Yaeko 'ne-san, the smart eleventh grader, was
completely in love with someone in the Takarazuka theater [all-female
Yaeko 'ne-chan...
D....didn't I tell you to always knock first??!!
The memories that my sisters mainly talked about were the stars and
fashions that they were into.
1966 was a memorable teenage year for my sisters. But back then, I was
only in the 5th grade.
I became a fan of Julie of The Tigers...but they didn't debut until