Omohide poro poro

Yeah, ``Michelle,'' isn't it? Another cool Beatles song, huh?
She tried the mini-skirt when it first came out, and like everyone
else, she hid her behind with a bag whenever going upstairs.

My other sister, Yaeko 'ne-san, the smart eleventh grader, was
completely in love with someone in the Takarazuka theater [all-female

Yaeko 'ne-chan...
D....didn't I tell you to always knock first??!!
The memories that my sisters mainly talked about were the stars and
fashions that they were into.

1966 was a memorable teenage year for my sisters. But back then, I was
only in the 5th grade.

I became a fan of Julie of The Tigers...but they didn't debut until

There was no way for me to have big dreams in the days when I was just
simply going back and forth between school and home.

...and it's been on the wall for a long time.
That's nice.
And I was told to keep the essay I wrote on the book, because they
might send it to a contest. If that happens, I'll be very happy...

You didn't eat your school lunch again.
Why do you put it between bread?
Because I hate namasu .
Well, if you do this, we can't use the bread or the namasu.
How wasteful.
The kid who can eat all of her food is more respected than the one who
can write an essay.
