open up immediately, You hear me?
Rose, procrastination won't help you!
Where is he?
- Nobody is here.
I knwo he's here. - There's nobody!
- Where are you, you bastard?
Where have you got him hid?
- There ain't nobody here.
And who, may I ask, is that?
That's Billy.
- And what was Billy doing here?
Billy's very poor, ain't got no money.
He had no place else to go.
Silly question.
He's nice. You'd like him.
He wants to be a fireman.
Ye gods and little fishes, a fireman.
Put something on, You're naked.
I think your friend Billy is injured.
Where are his clothes?
Under the mattress.
I didn't want to be mad.
He wants to marry me. He's sweet.
I can't marry him. He's got no money,
no job, he's too young and all...
...but he loves me,
and I was thinking...
You won't hurt him?
Oh, I won't hurt him, Rose.
- Mr Hillyer, I know I was bad.
I hadn't ought to have done it.
But I am only a human girl person.
I ain't always perfect.
Don't fire me.
I love you all so much.
Rosebud, you break my heart.
But I am only a human man person,
...of the father variety.