Under the mattress.
I didn't want to be mad.
He wants to marry me. He's sweet.
I can't marry him. He's got no money,
no job, he's too young and all...
...but he loves me,
and I was thinking...
You won't hurt him?
Oh, I won't hurt him, Rose.
- Mr Hillyer, I know I was bad.
I hadn't ought to have done it.
But I am only a human girl person.
I ain't always perfect.
Don't fire me.
I love you all so much.
Rosebud, you break my heart.
But I am only a human man person,
...of the father variety.
Pack your bag, baby.
As of this moment
you're hired, mired, and fired.
This country
couldn't stand George I I I,
and I can't stand Rose!
But liberation is at hand.
Hear ye, hear ye, I've got news.
I called cousin Hop long distance,
and Rose,
I found you a job in Tennessee.
- It's a lovely state.