Showdown in Little Tokyo

What world is that?
Let me get this straight.
You lost all your suspects
because you were whacking each other?

Yeah, except one.
He just broke his own neck.
You arrest the nicest people.
Mr. Yoshida, you can have
the Bonsai Club and the girl!

I'll work for you!
Please! I'll give you anything!
No, come on, please!
Get me out of here!
Tanaka should have retired
when we gave him the chance.

One must submit to the inevitable.
Hate to see him die that way.
It crushes me.

How you doing?
- I thought you quit that stuff.
- I heard something.

- The sound of your brain frying.
- They sent guys to kill Tanaka.

What are you talking about?
- These guys scare the shit out of me.
- Why do you still hang around them?

Come with me.
Mr. Yoshida wants to see you.

"T"ana"k"a, "liste"n "to me. "
"These guys" a"re" ba"d" n"ews. "

"Who told you they ow"n"ed" a b"eer f"a"ctory? "
"They're t"a"lki"n"g" ab"out t"a"ki"n"g over"
"your Bo"n"s"a"i Clu"b, an"d everythi"n"g else. "

"I'm" n"ot kiddi"n"g. They'll kill you"
"if you do"n"'t do wh"a"t they s"a"y. "
