How you doing?
- I thought you quit that stuff.
- I heard something.
- The sound of your brain frying.
- They sent guys to kill Tanaka.
What are you talking about?
- These guys scare the shit out of me.
- Why do you still hang around them?
Come with me.
Mr. Yoshida wants to see you.
"T"ana"k"a, "liste"n "to me. "
"These guys" a"re" ba"d" n"ews. "
"Who told you they ow"n"ed" a b"eer f"a"ctory? "
"They're t"a"lki"n"g" ab"out t"a"ki"n"g over"
"your Bo"n"s"a"i Clu"b, an"d everythi"n"g else. "
"I'm" n"ot kiddi"n"g. They'll kill you"
"if you do"n"'t do wh"a"t they s"a"y. "
That was foolish.
You're our guest.
Loyalty is an admirable trait.
But Mr. Tanaka is retiring.
I don't believe you.
He didn't either.
So, you're looking for employment, yes?
Angel, what am I going to do with you?
I could do you.
Even in front of these guys.
I think I'll do you.