"looks out the front door, takes a walk...
"goes to a movie matinee, listens to the radio...
"watches sitcom reruns till 1:00...
"and usually falls asleep about 2:00.
He likes to sleep. Sometimes he has good dreams. "
It's the finale.
"Watch for the next episode:
"Juan joins up with an emerging European terrorist organization...
and soon returns to the U.S. With a supply of homemade nuclear weapons. "
Huh. That's interesting.
Just a second.
- Hi. - Hey, guy. - Hi.
What's going on?
- Paul moved out, man. - Oh, yeah?
Yeah, took all his stuff, just left these cards here.
- Can I have his room? - Sure, why not?
Hey, where you headed?
Oh, I got some band practice in about five hours...
so I figured I'd mosey on out.
- Okay. - See you.
- Oh, hi. - Hi. Wow.
I haven't seen you around in a long time.
Yeah, I just got back about a week ago.
- Yeah? From where? - Dallas.
Dallas? Man.
What were you doing up there?
Hanging out, resting.
I was in the hospital for a while.
- Wow. - It was really awful.
- Yeah? - Yeah. It was awful.
Your parents, probably?
- Yeah, you could say they put me there. - Yeah.