Hey, where you headed?
Oh, I got some band practice in about five hours...
so I figured I'd mosey on out.
- Okay. - See you.
- Oh, hi. - Hi. Wow.
I haven't seen you around in a long time.
Yeah, I just got back about a week ago.
- Yeah? From where? - Dallas.
Dallas? Man.
What were you doing up there?
Hanging out, resting.
I was in the hospital for a while.
- Wow. - It was really awful.
- Yeah? - Yeah. It was awful.
Your parents, probably?
- Yeah, you could say they put me there. - Yeah.
So what are you up to?
Same old, same old. Just...
lollygagging around.
Still unemployed.
Uh, I'm in this band.
Well, the one I was in before, but now we've changed our name.
We're The Ultimate Losers now.
And, uh, the singer is still a jerk.
And, uh, well.
We're playing this Friday. If you wanna come, I can put you on the list.
I'm sleeping a lot, you know.
- Yo, hey, dude. - Hey.
Man, I am freaking out so severely. Did you hear what happened on the
You didn't see the local news today?
Oh, it's beautiful.
Man, this old man driving to town from San Antonio...
like this old man about 40 or 50 years old...
goin' about a hundred miles an hour down the freeway...
waving a gun at people, laughing.