
he had had enough, enough.
- It's like - - Do you know Stephanie?
Oh, yeah. I thought I heard that you were in "Timberlawn. "
- I got back about a week ago. - All right, cool.
Oh, yeah. I know what I gotta show you guys.
This -This will blow your gourd.
I have this friend, all right, she's a gynecologist in Hollywood.
And she scored this for me from the lab where she works.
It's a Madonna pap smear.
I know it's kind of cloudy, but it's a Madonna pap smear.
It's got "Ciccone" on the top. That's like a medical label. "Ciccone. "
Check it out. I know it's kind of disgusting...
but it's like, it's sort of...
like getting down to the real Madonna.
I don't know if you can see it now. I freaked out when it came in the mail.
It had two pubic hairs in it, and I showed it to this asshole...
and he stole one of them.
But if you look real close, you can see it's still in there.
It's about as black as they come.
Do you think maybe, uh...
you'd be interested in buying something like this?
It's like a high-dollar item.
It's, you know, one of a kind. It's like chance of a lifetime.
Yeah, I'm sure.
I'm pretty broke, though.
What about you? Do you think you know anyone who might be -
I mean, it's a little bit getting closer to the rock god herself...
than just a poster.
No? All right. You guys' loss.
I thought I could, you know, maybe swing a bargain.
- Sorry. - All right. Can't blame me. I tried.
It's a material world and I'm a material girl.
I better cruise. I gotta check this guy Chico on the east side.
He's real interested in this.
- All right. - Hey, how's your band going anyway?
What is it? Beautiful Loser?
- Yeah, it's The Ultimate... - All right. Check you later.
