My theory is that
all the characters are Hamlet.
It's all happening
in Hamlet's head.
So you only need one actor.
Am I crazy?
No. That actually clears up
a lot of stuff for me.
Back to The Sun Also Sets,
which is the topic at hand.
Shortly after returning...
Dr. Rod Randall starts
a torrid love affair...
with Celeste Talbert.
Celeste Talbert?
She's the one who had me axed
off the show 20 years ago.
I mean...
Celeste and l,
we were just kids.
But... Excuse me.
Still, we had something.
There was a...
fire, passion.
No! She wanted to be
a big star!
Nothing else mattered.
Love. Nothing!
Look at this.
Talk about fame's fleeting chariot.
Gee whiz.
Boy, did that get screwed up!
But now, here you are
out of the blue offering me...
another chance.
A chance to be something.
Be somebody.
Get reacquainted with Celeste.
And wreck her life
the way she wrecked mine!