Look at this.
Talk about fame's fleeting chariot.
Gee whiz.
Boy, did that get screwed up!
But now, here you are
out of the blue offering me...
another chance.
A chance to be something.
Be somebody.
Get reacquainted with Celeste.
And wreck her life
the way she wrecked mine!
New boy in town?
Just stepped off the choo-choo.
You have beautiful eyes.
They're nothing compared
to my tits.
Come up and see me sometime.
Good morning.
- Tawny.
- Hello, Miss Talbert.
- Have you met my niece Lori?
- Yes, several times.
- She's my new roommate.
- Good for you.
Why do you have to make
such a production about it?
So I'm happy for one brief,
flickering moment. Sue me.
- Where are you going?
- Extras' room.
I have to get
into my homeless rags.