It's like a giant strobe light...
burning right through my eyes.
Somehow I can still see.
Oh, God.
We know the dream's the same
every night.
We know the dream's the same
every night.
- Why do I have to--
- Please continue.
Children look like burnt paper.
Not moving.
And then the blast wave hits them.
And they fly apart like leaves.
of cataclysm,
the end of the world...
are very common.
It's not a dream, you moron.
It's real.
- I know the date it happens.
- I'm sure it feels real to you.
On August 29, 1997...
it's gonna feel
pretty fuckin'real to you too!
Anybody not wearing two-million
sunblock is gonna have a real bad day.
Get it?
God, you think
you're safe and alive.