That's it!
Well, it's too late to do anything today.
We'll sort it out tomorrow...
Get on, let's go.
Me?... With you?...
Great, fella!
Wait - I'll just look for my hat, oke?
Don't run off! I'm coming - right now!
Just gonna get my hat...
His own uncle's being eaten
by the birds,
and he, he's quite happy.
Geez, where did I get to...
I'm Sergei...
Sergei! And you?
Damn, Gombo! Without you,
I'd have had it... Geez, yeah!
My colleague is sick,
I'm driving alone, fell asleep, you know...
Us, we're building a road,
from the border...
Kil Na Dzam, as you say.
You understand...
We're working under contract.