- of the springwater.
- and what happens with that of ..
- Mr Ruhi?
- I don't want it, I have already drunken.
You don't move away, son.
- You stay around here close.
- Alright.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Welcome home.
You give me a little water.
- You have gone to the uncle's house?
- Not, I went to collect gypsum..
And they entertained me too much.
You haven't been going to see uncle Reza?
- He was not at home.
- How come he was not at home..
- If he is sick.
- Then he must be recovered already.
Besides, the gypsum is more important.
I am dying of thirst.
- Go and bring that oil lamp.
- Which one?
The one in that window.
Come on, hurry up.
Very well. Bring it here,
don't break it.
Give it to me.
You sit apart, you are full of dust.
- And my socks?
- I left them on the cornice.
- No those, the white ones.
- Here I go.
- Hurry up, I have to go.
- Wait.
Excuse me, madam,
is this water drinkable?
Yes, it is springwater.
Drink, drink.
- And why the pipe?
- We have put in the pipe.