I am a social worker of the Red Moon Media.And I would like to speak to you..
Of something as important asthe adoption of children because..
We have many cases of orphansthat need protection.
They are children that do not have relativesand we should do something..
Receiving them. The Red Moon Media itselfis overburdened and throws..
A message of solidarity to allthose citizens that have..
The will and the means to maintain these children.
Is certain that the highway is cut?
If it were so we would notify you.
If they desire to carry out a final adoptionthey can also be put in contact
with this association, where they will take note
of their request and deal with all the documentation.
As for the humanitarian aid,although the response has been..
Very generous, for which we thank you,we still need a lot more help.
The highway is cut?
If it were cutwe would notify.
Did you not ask the same question yesterday?
Yes. Yesterday you directed me to Rudbarand I arrived in Manjil.
But the bypass was cut and I had to turn around.
If you want more informationask the traffic police.