My husband stayed under the debris
and I don't have children.
- And what about your neighbors?
- Each one has his own problems,
That's the way it is...
My back is very bad,
if you would take it away it I'd be very glad.
Let's see.
It's impossible. It hurts me, too.
Not even I can move it.
Good, if you want,
you can remove the teapot.
With the carpet there's no way.
I will remove the teapot.
May the Lord give you long life.
Please, try not to dent it.
I can last three day without taking tea.
Mash Khatun!
Here I go!
Yes. What?
If you wait a little,
Hosein will lend you a hand.
Hosein is busy with his problems.
I think he can't handle it.
I will fix them myself.
Don't worry, daughter.
- Life is thus.
- You are very tired, grandmother.
And what do you want?
I do the things alone.
Someone there will help you, no?
There is nobody. He himself has gone
and done well. Nobody remains.
Oh, sir! Have patience.
- I have it, I have it.
- His teapot, grandmother.
- And without dents.
- Many thanks.
- Oh, the happy back.
- Thanks.
- You are from here?
- No.
- You have come from Teheran?
- Yes.
They come from the city to spend the holidays.
Why have you come
at a moment like this?
Amin, don't you see that it's oxidized?
How often do I have to tell you
not touch anything without my permission?
Besides you have broken it. You are clumsy.
Oh, you are driving me crazy.
You don't invent anything good.
There it goes.
That's just what I needed!
As if it were not enough
with the earthquake.
You sit down!