Are you coming?
See, how it works is, the train moves,
not the station.
This is making me sick.
Write to me, honey.
l love you.
Hey, cowgirls, see the grass?
Don"t eat it.
Okay, girls, this is it.
Harvey Field.
Tryouts. Get out there.
Show them what you got.
Don"t embarrass me.
lt"s been a thin slice of heaven.
Wait. You"re going?
Dry your eyes.
l"m going home.
Grab a shower and a shave.
Give the wife a pickle-tickle,
and l"m on my way. l"ll see you.
-But what?
Field! Tryouts! Play!
That"s it! Get lost!
l hate when they get
attached to me like that.
-Hey, Mae.
-Come look at this.
-Wait a second, Doris.