Don"t eat it.
Okay, girls, this is it.
Harvey Field.
Tryouts. Get out there.
Show them what you got.
Don"t embarrass me.
lt"s been a thin slice of heaven.
Wait. You"re going?
Dry your eyes.
l"m going home.
Grab a shower and a shave.
Give the wife a pickle-tickle,
and l"m on my way. l"ll see you.
-But what?
Field! Tryouts! Play!
That"s it! Get lost!
l hate when they get
attached to me like that.
-Hey, Mae.
-Come look at this.
-Wait a second, Doris.
l can"t wait much longer, so get up.
Yeah, so?
Yeah, so l ain"t done yet.
Watch this.
-That"s it?
-You can"t do it, Mae.
l could do it. How long you been
working on that, Doris?
Took me a year.
Not counting the two months l was in the
hospital. Bat hit me right in the head.
Your head and not your behind?
That looks really swollen.
-What kind of thing is that to say?
-l"m joking, okay? l"m nervous.
-What are you looking at?
-Yeah, what?
That"s right, nothing.
All these girls gonna be in the league?
-You wish.
-You do wish.
-Four teams. Sixteen girls to a team.
-That"s right.
Sixty-four girls.
What are you, a genius?
They got over 1 00 girls here,
so some of youse will have to go home.
-Sorry about that.
-Come on, Doris.
What do you mean, ""some of us""?